Thursday, November 09, 2006

Silent Seduction ...

Gentle breeze that coddles my face,
Tender waves kiss me and retrace.
Shimmering moonlight on sea-surface,
Like satin sheets fluttering in space.
The beauty around seeps through me,
Oh the silent seduction at the sea.

Walks with him, a quotidian ritual,
Yet, this seaside stroll is not the usual.
Our fingers brush, in a gesture so casual,
But the slightest touch seems most sensual.
Sensitized senses as can be,
Oh the silent seduction at the sea.

Incessant noises now seem to die,
Urban lights far behind they lie.
Sidereal spell in the night sky,
Exuberant dance of waves so high.
Overwhelming in the sacrosanct privacy,
Oh the silent seduction at the sea.

Holding hands we climb a rock,
His gentle arms, around me they lock.
I feel at peace in his loving embrace,
As I gaze at some distant place.
In the sequestered world of our dreams,
Oh the silent seduction at the seams.

A lifetime with the surfs at shore,
Slowly we walk to the familiar uproar.
Bright red balloons, one hand I pick,
And take my bite from his sweet corn stick.
All the wordly delights in my reach,
Oh the silent seduction at the beach.

Childrens' chatter rings in the air,
As we sit back to watch the beach fair.
I look into his eyes, a smile we share,
Words can't speak of moments so rare.
Lying on his lap, I feel completed to the core,
Oh the silent seduction at the shore.

Evening spent, we move towards our car,
I look up, see my red balloons flying far.
I wet my lips but taste the ocean salt,
To see the sea one last time I halt.
World around, so perfect it seems,
Oh the silent seduction at the seams.